Top 21 Fundraiser Ideas for Kids

Searching for fun and rewarding fundraiser ideas for kids? Keep reading to find out what the top 21 fundraiser ideas for kids are… and check out Fun Pasta Fundraising to see how we make it easy to start and run your very own fundraiser, with no upfront costs.


1. Throw A Fun Pasta Fundraiser!



fun pasta fundraising logo with confetti and kids

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Kids go crazy for our uniquely shaped pasta bags and for good reason! We offer so many different shapes that there’s always something for everyone to get excited about. It’s super easy to get started and because you can run one of our fundraisers almost completely off your phone, the parents will love it just as much as the kids. 

So, how does it work exactly?

  1. Leaders will sign up on our website to get started – there are no upfront costs or minimum orders. 
  2. After setting up their group page, they’ll invite sellers to help them along their journey. 
  3. Sellers and leaders can share their fundraiser through email, text, and social media straight from the app. 
  4. All orders are placed online and through the app so you never have any forms or envelopes to keep track of. 
  5. Supporters get their pasta shipped directly to their homes! 
  6. Once your fundraiser is over, you close it on the site and your check will make its way to you in two weeks.

See, it’s simple!




2: Have A Virtual Fundraiser



apple desktop computer on desk

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Especially in the days of COVID-19, when social distancing is the rule, hosting a virtual fundraiser is a safe and easy way to raise funds. Many fundraisers have built-in social media tools that make it easy to promote and share with your friends.


3: Let Kids Pick Your Theme!



group of kids in costumes lying on the ground

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐

Kids love to express themselves, especially younger kids, so if you want to get them involved, let them pick the theme! It might be a silly theme or a theme that reflects your school colors or names… it might even be a superhero or cartoon character theme. No matter what they pick, it makes it easier to keep them motivated and involved.


4: Add Face Painting To Your Fundraiser!



woman painting a young girls face pink as a face painting booth

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This is a fun and simple idea that kids will love. Pick up some low-cost face painting kits, either from your local business or online, and kids will go crazy for the chance to paint their faces to match the theme of your sale. Since Fun Pasta Fundraising offers themed pasta bags, kids can even paint their faces to match the pasta shapes and colors.


5: Have A Pasta Cook-Off Night



bowl of plain dinosaur pasta surrounded by sides and ingredients

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Once social distancing has ended, challenge your kids to a pasta cook-off as a way to raise money. It’s a great way to sample the delicious Fun Pasta items while challenging the kids to show off their cooking skills. You could even sell tickets to the event to help raise even more money.


6: Do A Charity Drive



group of volunteers handing out bottles of water

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

If you’re running a fundraiser, why not challenge the kids to raise money for their local food bank, food pantry, or nonprofit organization. Since pasta lasts for up to 2 years on the shelf, it’s the perfect item to donate to families in need and they’ll surely appreciate your fundraising efforts.


7: Do a Parents Vs. Kids Competition



parents and their two children walking and holding hands

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐

Next time your run a fundraiser, divide the teams up into parents vs. kids to see who can sell the most. We won’t tell anyone if you decide to let the kids win.


8: Boys vs. Girls Competition



young boy and girl studying on stairs together and looking at a laptop

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Looking for easy fundraiser ideas for kids? Look no further than the boys vs. girls competition idea. Not only will it keep the kids engaged, but it will also help motivate them to sell even more. You could choose a Fun Pasta Fundraiser, bake sale, car wash, or even a fun run for the competition. 


9: Fundraising for Dance Teams



ballerina shoes

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Use Fun Pasta Fundraising to run a simple fundraiser for your local kid’s dance team. It can help pay for equipment, travel events, and so much more. Guess what? We have dance-shaped pasta too!


10: Get Your Pets Involved



two corgis wearing bandanas, one is smiling at the camera

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Since Fun Pasta Fundraising lets you customize your sales page with photos and captions, you can add your kid’s pets to make the promoting even more silly… and more fun!


11: Have A Recipe Competition



two bowls of ruffle pasta surrounded by ingredients and bread

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐

Since our pasta is so great in so many recipes, why not add a recipe competition to the mix. Give a prize to the kids who comes up with the most creative recipe.


12: Run A Sales Contest



trophy surrounded by stars and glitter

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐

For kids who love the thrill of competition, why not add some prizes for reaching sales levels? Pick up simple, but fun, items from a dollar store or from the dollar aisle at Target. Kids won’t care about the value of the item, they’ll just love the recognition.


13: Let The Kids Win Stickers



happy boy with stickers on his face

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐

Sticker books are so cheap… but so irresistible to kids. When you start your fundraiser, let the kids pick out a sticker for every sale they make. They’ll love it!


14: Get Crafty 



dried pasta art laid out in the shape of the countries of the world

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Dried pasta is also great for crafting… so challenge your kids to come up with the best crafting project they can using their fun pasta bags. You can even feature photos of their crafts on your customizable sales page.


15: Make A Treasure Chest



treasure chest opened with a golden glow illuminating

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

If you’re running a fundraiser for a school, church, or team, hit the party store, fill up a “treasure chest” with prizes, and let the kids pick out a “treasure” at the end to celebrate their achievement.


16: Host A Grandparents Fundraiser



grandparents and their two grandchildren

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get the grandparents involved in your fundraiser, either by making them team captains or by assigning one to each team. Kids will love it, and it’s a great way to enhance your family time together.


17: Do A Sports Team Fundraiser



kids playing cricket

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Looking for a fundraiser idea for kids? Why not theme it by sports teams… either the ones you’re raising money for or their favorite pro teams. Since we have 12 different sports pasta shapes and twenty popular teams to add, Fun Pasta is a perfect addition! 


18: Throw A Church Fundraiser



two sets of hands on a globe with the words "he's got the whole world in his hands" stickered on it

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get your kids involved with the church or other place of worship by asking them to participate in a faith-based fundraiser. Not only will you be helping out… you’ll be teaching your kids great values.


19: Do A Teacher’s In Jail Fundraiser



teacher helping a young student as he writes on the white board

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Kids love raising money for school activities or school trips. In the theme of this fundraiser, the kids raise certain amounts to get privileges at school – like a free period or extra time at lunch.


20: Fundraise By Grade



teaching giving a group of students high fives

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐

Stoke a healthy competition by dividing each grade up into teams and let them compete for prizes!


21: Run a Musical Fundraiser



young girl playing the saxaphone

Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Whether your want to raise money for your band or just want to theme it by music, let the kids pick their favorite songs or artists and crank up the fun! Don’t forget, we have musical note pasta too! 


Ready to set up your Fun Pasta Fundraiser? Click below to get started! It’s easy! 


Need more fundraiser ideas for kids? Be sure to check out our other blog posts!