Showdolls featured Fundraising Group

Showdolls Dance by Cami|

One of our favorite things at Fun Pasta Fundraising is helping groups to achieve their fundraising goals. We’ve learned that there is a story behind the fundraiser. It’s the story and the people we love. It keeps us using our noodles to continuously raise the fundraising bar to improve our fundraising products and the process. This month our featured group is the Showdolls. Here is an excerpt of our interview with group leader, Michelle Billings.

Tell us about your Group? How many kids? How long have you been together?

Showdolls is a company of dancers that have been together since the studio was opened 11 years ago. In order to become a Showdoll you have to meet certain criteria. This is a competitive group. Our dancers range in age from 7 years old up to 18 years old. Within that range, there are 5 groups that are ranked by age and ability.

I’m a dance mom. I brought this fundraiser to the attention of the owner of the studio. Since I brought it up [laughing], I was put into the leadership role.

What are their fundraising goals for this year?

The goal for this season for most of the girls is to train for competition and their annual recital. Competitions begin in February or March. They begin learning dances after Labor Day. They also do alot of performances in the community such as at nursing homes, etc.

We were raising money to cover travel expenses and competition fees. My daughter is participating in a competition in March and the fees were $320. This is actually pretty low. Normally  the fees run between $400-$500 per competition. Every three years the Showdolls get invited down to Disney to perform at the Disney Performing Arts. We use the money raised from our fundraisers to cover travel and hotel expenses too.

How did you advertise and market your fundraiser?

I emailed everyone in my email list. Once the word got out it really took off. Facebook was a big network for us. I think the mom’s did most of the social networking since the majority of our girls were too young to have an account of their own. My daughter had the highest sales. I think the online sales option was a selling point. My daughter is dancing every night after school. She doesn’t have time to go out and sell the fundraising product after school. We would not have participated had there not been an online sales option.;

Can you share some advice that would help our other leaders?

This was the most easy and effortless fundraising that we’ve ever done. …and that I’ve been involved with. The other dance mom’s share my feeling. Everyone was very proactive in the sense that they were excited to show the pasta to people. Before Christmas I asked my daughter’s teachers about their hobbies and favorite sports teams and based on their answers I gave them pasta gifts. The response was unbelievable. They were thrilled.

I would tell leaders to keep reminding their sellers to share their online link to the fundraiser. This pasta can be shipped anywhere. If you can get on the computer and keystroke then you can buy the pasta and support your group.

Is there something our reader’s would be surprised to know about your group?

In March on the 18th our group is going to be performing at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH on their main stage. We are also opening the basketball game that evening between the Cleveland Cavalier’s and the Miami Heat.

Showdolls Performance at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame|

Tell us why you are such a passionate supporter of your group?

[Laughing] I have money involved……lol. This is my daughter’s life passion. She is a dancer through and through. It is a sport that is vigorous and very athletic. I do it because my daughter loves it.

Special thanks to Michelle and Showdolls. If you have an interest in fundraising and would like to find out more about our program, request free info here.