Setting Fundraising Goals in 5 Simple Steps


Setting Fundraising Goals in 5 Steps- Realistic goal setting is one of the keys to success in fundraising. | /blog

The first step in planning your next fundraiser is setting fundraising goals.  Regardless of the type of organization most fundraising campaigns have a similar goal- to raise capital. However we’ve found it is necessary to dive in a bit further when setting fundraising goals. Make sure that you understand the purpose of the fundraising. What is the time frame? What are the circumstances unique to your fundraiser? Are there any limitations? So you know you need a goal but how do you set it? How should your organization set fundraising goals?

There are 5 considerations when Setting Fundraising Goals for your group. [Tweet this]

  • Duration of the fundraiser- How long will your fundraiser run?


  • Profit margins- What percentage of the sales is your profit? Not all fundraisers were created equal. Be sure to factor the amount of sales needed so that your percentage of profits equals your goal.


  • Size of your group- In theory, the larger your group, the larger your goal should be. More group members equates to more sellers. Make sure you have 100% participation with appropriate incentives and rewards.


  • Time of year- For many groups, Fall is the best time of year to fundraise because it is at the beginning of the school year and is before Christmas.


  • Popularity/desirability of the fundraiser – What other fundraisers has your group participated in this year? Be sure not to do the same fundraiser over and over because this can get “stale” and your “buyers” may not be interested. Change is good


Adjust your expectations based on the circumstances that might impact the amount of your sales. Choose a goal that matches your unique circumstances. Be realistic. It is easier to support a cause when the goal is realistic. If the goal is set too high your sellers will lose motivation. With proper and realistic goal setting you will insure success and will reach your fundraising goals.  What was your biggest goal for your Fundraisers this year? Did you achieve success? Comment and share your thoughts!