Prince of Peace Early Education Center Preschool Fundraiser

Preschool Fundraiser Prince of Peace Early Education Center |

One of our favorite things at Fun Pasta Fundraising is helping groups achieve their fundraising goals.  We’ve learned with every group, there is a story behind the fundraiser.  It’s the story and the people that we love most. It keeps us using our noodles to continuously raise the Fundraising bar to improve our fundraising products and the process. This month we interviewed group leader, Sandra Bower and Amanda Khemraj, Preschool Director, Prince of Peace Early Education Center about the preschool fundraiser and their experience working with Fun Pasta Fundraising.

Tell us about your group? How many kids? How long have you been together?What are their goals for the year? How long have you worked with FPF?

We are a Catholic Pre-School, with 230 children ages 2-5. We had 204 participants in the preschool fundraiser, so nearly 100% participation.

What were you raising funds for? What was your fundraising goal?

All of the money raised in our Preschool Fundraising goes to a general fund that covers school supplies, resources for the teachers and extra curricular activities for our kids. Our total sales for this fundraiser were $12548.50. We sold $3191.50 online and $9357 via catalog. We were also one of the 2014 FALL $500 sweepstakes winners.

How did you advertise and market this fundraiser?

We used the parent letters that were included with the fundraising product brochures as well as the pasta FAQ pages. We mainly used email for communication with our parents  and included reminders on social media.

What do you attribute to the success of this fundraiser?

This was by far one of the best preschool fundraisers we’ve ever run. We had an incredible participation rate because the pasta fundraising product is so creative and unique. Nobody in our area had ever seen pasta like this. We used incentives to motivate our parents to sell the product such as passes to a local water park, ticket to World of Fun, and a $50 gift certificate.

Did you host a kick off event prior to beginning your fundraiser?

Yes, I pre-ordered some of the pasta and we set up a table to display the product. I also prepared the pasta salad so that people could see what they would be selling and purchasing.

Is there anything you would do differently if you could run this fundraiser again?

I’m not sure there is anything I would do differently. I believe the reason we were so successful is that we were very interactive and engaged with our emails. We were very specific in our email communications with parents. Each communication that was sent had a targeted message. In every email I gave parents a status of where we were in moving towards our goal.  I think this helped to keep parents motivated.

I would definitely run another preschool fundraiser with Fun Pasta Fundraising. The process for me as a team leader was amazingly simple. The whole operations process was easy. There was no contract or minimum sales. Joann was also very helpful and easy to work with.

Special thanks to Sandra and Prince of Peace Early Education Center for choosing Fun Pasta Fundraising for their preschool fundraiser. We look forward to working with your group again.

If you have an interest in fundraising and would like more information about your our program, click here.