Pasta Personalities: Meet Ivica Babic

People behind the Pasta: Pasta Personalities |

Ever wonder about the people behind our delicious pastas?  Who the person in the factory making all that pasta? Meet Ivica Babic!!!!

My job title is…

Operations Manager- I receive the raw product and schedule pasta production. I also maintain all of the equipment and pasta making machinery. I train the manufacturing and shipping teams and perform quality control tests on all products. I’ve been with The Pasta Shoppe for over 20 years. When I first started we were making 200lbs of pasta/day on a single machine. Today our production capacity is over 10,000 lbs of pasta/day.

Why Pasta?

John came to the United States Catholic Charities to look for workers and both my wife Dubi and I were hired. In my previous life, I was an Architect in Sarajevo.

When I’m not at the Pasta Shoppe, I’m….

Spending time with my grandson, watching soccer or going to car shows.

 My favorite team/sport is…

 Soccer! I love watching the UEFA Champions League and the English Premier League. I’m a Messi fan and I also like Ibrahimovic. I also love Formula 1 racing. Ferrari all the way. Go Hamilton!.

Morning person or night owl?

I’m a morning person. Most days I get to the plant before 5:30AM!!!


I have two sisters. I am the middle child.

Favorite Vacation Spot?

Bosnia, my former home.

My best subject in school was…

Math. I am also speak several languages. …I’m speak fluent English, several Croation languages and Russian. I understand a lot of Spanish but am not fluent.

If I won the lottery I’d….

  1. Buy a Ferrari.
  2. Buy a Lamborghini
  3. Buy a Porsche…..

The most beautiful thing I’ve seen is…

My 2 year old grandson. Noah.

Ivica Babic

My favorite pasta is…

I’ve tried a lot of pasta over the years by many manufacturers but nothing rivals our Tri-Color Angel Hair Nests. They are beautiful and taste great!