New Year’s Resolutions for Non-Profits

Happy New Year Resultions

Happy New Year! The birth of a New Year brings with it New Year’s Resolutions. Not sure what goals to set or what changes would be in order for your organization?

Here are the top 5 most popular New Year’s Resolutions for 2015:

  1. Lose weight. Trim the fat from your fundraising program with Healthy Fundraising products. Making a healthy choice doesn’t mean less fun or lower profits. In fact our research has proven there are less buying barriers when the fundraising product is healthy and has a built in value.
  2. Get Organized. When we think about the qualities of successful fundraisers and fundraising leaders, great organization is the common denominator. Attention to detail and great data organization is what allows a fundraiser’s investment, passion and connections to bear fruit.
  3. Spend less, save more. Set realistic goals for your yearly fundraising campaigns. Take time to evaluate your needs and tailor your fundraising strategy accordingly. Think of specific small goals steps that you can take and implement an action plan.
  4. Enjoy life to the fullest. Work Smarter not Harder. Running too many fundraisers is the number one cause of declining profits, low participation, burnout and volunteer fundraising fatigue. Get off the “more is more” cycle and back on track so that you can spend less time fundraising and more time enjoying life.
  5. Help other’s in their dreams. Non- profits do this every day.  It’s simple. As a leader, it’s your job to educate your sellers about the fundraising product, motivate them to sell and keep them engaged and invested in the group goals.  

Setting  realistic New Year’s Resolutions involves setting aside some time to reflect over the past year and remember what you were able to achieve. Take an honest look at the challenges you have faced in the past year. Many organizations set annual goals at the beginning of the year. While there is no easy way to bridge the gap between intentions and accomplishments, the best way to predict or forecast what your organization will be able to achieve in 2015 is to look at what you did over the past year. Set New Year’s Resolutions or goals with the knowledge that real change requires time and work. Make sure that the act of setting the New Year’s Resolution doesn’t take the place of the action required to achieve that resolution. Be intentional. Be specific. Be accountable. We are committed to helping all of our group’s reach their New Years Resolutions. We are your partners in the process. Together there is no limit to what we can achieve. 2015 is going to be a great year on the blog and in fundraising! Share your resolutions with us.