Landing Place Church Kids Fundraiser

One of our favorite things at Fun Pasta Fundraising is helping groups to achieve their fundraising goals.  We’ve learned with every group, there is a story behind the fundraiser.  It’s the story and the people that we love most. It keeps us using our noodles to continuously raise the Fundraising bar to improve our fundraising products and the process. This month we interviewed Tiffany Taylor, Children’s Minister from Landing Place Church about kids fundraiser and their experience working with Fun Pasta Fundraising.

Landing Place Church Kids Fundraiser for Mission Trip

Tell us about your group? How many members? How long have you been together?

I am the Children’s Minister and this fundraising group was for our Children’s Ministry. We have about 25 kids in 1st through 6th grade. I have two children, both of whom participated in the fundraiser.

How long have you worked with FPF?

This was our second time working with you.  I first heard about Fun Pasta with the boys scout troop. They loved it. I though, this is so fun! The market here wasn’t saturated with this fundraiser. This was new. Pretty much every house we stopped at purchased at least one item.

What were you raising funds for?  What was your fundraising goal?

We were raising money to cover costs for a summer camp on the mountain and/or our mission trip to Ft. Collins, CO. In terms of goals, I did not set a specific goal as it varied based on the child and the circumstances. If they wanted to offset their expense of the camp or the mission trip then the fundraiser was available to them. The money each seller raised was going right back to them.

How did you launch your fundraiser?

We didn’t really have a kickoff event. I have someone who handles communications for me about fundraisers. She emailed the group with all the information. I delivered the brochures and packets. We make sure that there were many avenues to get the information out to people even if it meant hand-delivering them.

What do you think was the most effective way you marketed your fundraiser?

We posted it on the Children’s Ministry Facebook Page.  As the Children’s Pastor, I’m pretty well connected so I also posted it on my personal Facebook page. Our church is a community church and we’re pretty involved. I posted the fundraiser on various local business and community pages. I took screen shots from the website of products and captioned them, “Who wants to purchase this Collegiate pasta to serve at the big game?” Since it was before Christmas, I posted pictures of the reindeer pasta.

Did you face any challenges as a leader? How did you overcome it?

I wish more kids had participated. It’s not hard. The product is fun. It literally sells itself.

Of all the products in our catalog, which did your group sell the most? What were they the most excited about?

The Chicken Noodle soup was my boy’s favorite. They thought it was hysterical. “The noodles are chickens!!!”

Chicken Noodle Soup Fundraiser |

If you could tell another leader to do one thing to help their fundraising efforts, what would it be?

This was the first door to door fundraiser that we’ve done. Most of our other fundraisers have been service oriented. When choosing a fundraiser, consider the “value added”. We wanted to make sure that whatever we’re selling is something that people need or would purchase. We felt like Fun Pasta was a good mix of value to our supporters and fun for the kids.

Tell us why you are such a passionate supporter of you group and of this fundraiser?

It’s my ministry. I feel “called” to be in this role. It’s very special spending time with kids, seeing their lives change, and watching them mold into young adults that are giving back to the world. I’m making lifetime connections with the kids. Being a Children’s Pastor is about making those connections and mentorship.


Special thanks to Tiffany and Landing Place Church Kidz. Your passion shows. We hope your summer camp and mission’s trip are great fun.  For more information about your next Fundraiser, click here.