Fun Pasta Personalities: Meet John Aron


John Aron Headshot Fun Pasta Fundraising

Ever wonder about the people behind our delicious pastas? Wonder who the creative genius was that thought up FUN PASTA? Meet John Aron!

Job Title-

President and Co-Founder- been here along with my lovely wife, Carey, since day ONE!

Why Pasta?

I love the food! I hoped we could find a way to make a living from flour and water….and it turns out that we could and could be unique!

When I’m not at The Pasta Shoppe, I’m…

Keeping up with my boys’ busy sports schedules as they both play hockey and golf.

In 10 years I see myself…

Helping other entrepreneurs achieve their goals.

Talent I wish I had…

I wish I could tell a joke the way my Father could. He was so funny!

Interesting food excites me!

 Coffee or Tea?

Coffee AND tea

If I could have coffee with anyone…

I would love to sit down with any one of our Presidents…they’ve made an insane electoral process work in their careers and I’d like to understand their trade-offs.

Favorite Vacation Spot?

I love the mountains.

If I won the lottery, I’d….

  1.           THE.       LOTTERY… really, I WON!!!!

John Aron Fun Pasta Fundraising

I’m passionate about…

Passing my blessings forward.

My childhood dream was…

                To own a business that made others secure and made them feel like a contributor.

In College I…..

                Learned some of what I wanted to become and more about what I did not want.

My relationship with Mother Nature is…

                Where most of my spiritual thoughts are generated.

My guilty pleasure is…

                Blue Bell Ice Cream

The most beautiful thing I’ve seen is…

                The birth of my two boys, Clarke and Alston

Working at Fun Pasta Fundraising I’ve learned…

That most people are good by nature and almost all people love their children enough to make virtually any sacrifice for them.