Fun Pasta Personalities: Meet Dubi Babic

Dubi Babic 4

Ever wonder about the people behind our delicious pastas?  Who the person is on the other side of the phone when you call? 5th in our Pasta Personalities Series: Meet Dubi Babic!!!!

My job title is…

I wear many different hats here. I am the receptionist, accounts receivable/payable, customer service and office supply. I’ve been with The Pasta Shoppe for 20 years now however I was in Production the first 7 years.

Why Pasta?

Well. It was more that pasta chose me vs me choosing it. John came to the United States Catholic Charities to look for workers and both my husband Ivica and I were hired. In my previous life, I was a lawyer in Sarajevo however it was very difficult to continue in that field once we came to the United States because I would have had to go to law school again and start over.

When I’m not at the Pasta Shoppe, I’m….

Reading or spending time with my grandson.

Right now I’m reading…

Rose of Sarajevo by Ayse Kulin.

My favorite team/sport is…

Soccer! I am a huge Barcelona fan because of Messi. I also love Brazilian soccer.

Talent I wish I had…

Well, whatever I wish, I learn. I wanted to knit so I learned. I wanted to speak English, I learned. I             don’t put a lot of stock in wishing. It’s unproductive. I value action.

Morning person or night owl?

Night owl. For me, life really doesn’t start until after 11PM.

Favorite Vacation Spot?

The beach!

My best subject in school was…

Languages. I speak several Croation languages, in addition to English. I also speak Italian and German but  not fluently since I don’t use them as much.

If I won the lottery I’d….

Enjoy it!!! I’ve travel the world.

The most beautiful thing I’ve seen is…

My grandson. Noah, who will be 2 years old soon.

Working at FUN Pasta Fundraising I’ve learned…

A lot about American people and American culture.