Finch Elementary School Fundraiser: Featured Group

Finch Elementary School Fundraiser| Finch students sold Fun Pasta to raise money for the PTO.

Our favorite thing at Fun Pasta Fundraising is helping groups achieve their fundraising goals. We’ve learned with every group there is a story behind the fundraiser. It’s the story and the people that we love. It keeps us using our noodles to raise the fundraising bar to improve our fundraising products. Elementary School Fundraiser hold a special place in our hearts. Parents would do anything to provide opportunities for their kids. For this month’s featured group, we interviewed Kim Aubrey from the PTO at Finch Elementary School.

Tell us about your elementary school? How many kids?

We are an Elementary School grades K-6th. We have 523 children at Finch Elementary.

What are their goals this year? 

We didn’t have a specific goals in mind. We needed to raise $4000 this year. The money raised go back into the PTO budget for whatever needs arise such as classroom supplies and other things like that.

How did you advertise and market your fundraiser?

We used the school’s website and promoted the Elementary School Fundraiser across all of our social media especially Facebook. Parents also promoted the fundraiser on their own Facebook accounts. We had a pretty even mix between brochure and online sales.

Can you share a tip for other leaders?

Show off the product. Use word of mouth. Keep promoting the fundraiser and put the word out there. Share the brochure. The pasta literally sells itself. Use samples at your PTO meetings.

What was the greatest challenge you faced as a leader? How did you overcome it?

There really weren’t any challenges. I felt like I was well supported by Fun Pasta Fundraising. This was my first time work with you. We got alot of great feedback from the parents. People were excited to participate in Finch’s Elementary School Fundraiser because it was new, easy and fun.

Of all the products in our catalog, which did your group sell the most? What were they the most excited about?

The most popular fundraising products were the Washington State Collegiate Pasta Salad and the Spinach Basil Angel Hair Nests.