Cedar Harmony Chorus featured Fundraising Group

Cedar Harmony Chorus

One of our favorite things at Fun Pasta Fundraising is helping groups to achieve their fundraising goals.  What we’ve learned is that with every group, there is a story behind the fundraiser.  It’s the story and the people that we love. It keeps us using our noodles to continuously raise the Fundraising bar to improve our fundraising products and the process. When we heard about the Cedar Harmony Chorus, it was music to our ears and we just had to hear more. For this month’s featured group, we interviewed group leader and chorus member, Michelle Franzen. Here is her inspiring interview. 

Tell us about your group? How many members? How long have you been together?

Our group is part of a Sweet Adeline’s International which began in Tulsa, OK in 1935. This is an all- women, a cappela similar to a barbershop quartet and choruses. Right now we have 36 women in our group ranging in age from 25-73 years old. We just celebrated our 52nd year together as a chorus.

What are their goals for the year?   How long have you worked with Fun Pasta Fundraising?

This was our first time working with Fun Pasta Fundraising and we are looking forward to using it again. In April we have our Regional competition in Kansas City. We’re really looking forward to it.  If we score well there then we’ll go on to the International Competition in Baltimore.

What were you raising funds for?  What was your fundraising goal?

We have expenses associated with rent for our rehearsal facility and we just purchased new risers. We also have expenses for costumes, music and monthly dues. As a group we try to offset the costs so that it is not too expensive to be a member. We also do paid performances to raise money.

How did you advertise and market your fundraiser?

Mostly through our members. I emailed the fundraising link to our members and they shared it. Some of them shared it on their Facebook pages. I hung up flyers at work. It was very easy. We had both catalog and online sales.

What group event(s) on your calendar are you most excited about in the coming months?

In April we have our Regional competition in Kansas City. We’re really looking forward to it.  If we score well there then we’ll go on to the International Competition in Baltimore.

Is there something our readers would be surprised to know about your group?

Well we’ve always referred to ourselves as “the best kept secret in the Cedar Valley” however lately the word has gotten out. Our summer is really booking up.

Last year we won first place in Chorus and 5th place overall.

Cedar Harmony Chorus 2

Tell us why you are such a passionate supporter of you group and of this fundraiser?

It’s just so much fun. We share the gift of music for the sheer love of it. We have performed at a local High School. I think it’s good for the kids to see that if you start with your music you can continue through any age and can do it for your whole life.

Of all the products in our catalog, which did your group sell the most? What were they the most excited about?

The collegiate pastas were popular and also the Christmas pastas because of the time of year.

If you could tell another leader to do one thing to help their fundraising efforts, what would it be?

Pull up the reports online and cross check the orders you have entered online against the individual order forms for accuracy and a breakdown of individual seller’s profits.

I think one of the great things about this Fundraiser and Fun Pasta Fundraising is the online orders. Our members are located in a 50 mile radius so online sales were very convenient as they could place orders and have them shipped right to them. There are no geographic limitations. Share the fundraiser with friends and family even if they’re not local. The more you spread the word, the more you will sell.

How does one interview for a fundraising leader position?

[Laughing]…..um, I think I ended up being the leader by default. I had heard about Fun Pasta Fundraising from another group that I was affiliated with …so it was my idea and I ran with it.