Bay HS Band Booster Fundraiser Strikes A Chord

Bay High School Marching Band Fundraiser Strikes a Chord |

Fun Pasta Fundraising is helping groups to achieve their fundraising goals one bag of pasta at a time.  We’ve learned that with every group, there is a story behind the fundraiser.  It’s the story and the people that we love. It keeps us using our noodles to continuously raise the Fundraising bar to improve our fundraising products and the process. When we heard about the Bay High School Band Boosterstheir story struck a chord in our hearts. For this month’s featured group, we interviewed group leader, Joy Hutchinson.  

Tell us about your group? How many members? How long have you been together?

This fundraiser was for the Bay High School Marching band which also includes the Rockettes, our girls drill team. There are about 140 kids including the drill team. I’ve been part of this organization for about 12 years now. My son came up through the program and my daughter is currently in it.

What were you raising funds for? How long have you worked with Fun Pasta Fundraising?

This was my first time using Fun Pasta Fundraising however I’ve worked with many other fundraisers in the past. We were raising money for the band to go to Disney in November. This was a big trip as we only go to Disney every four years.  The cost of the trip was $900/person which included airfare, food and accommodations. Our marching band performed on Thanksgiving at the evening light parade on Main Street and also at downtown Disney while we were down there.

How did you advertise and market your fundraiser?

We used word of mouth, email and our website. For our kickoff, we invited all the kids and parents to a meeting where we discussed all the details of the trip and then I shared the fundraising product and outlined the program. We use mail chimp at the school so I sent out several email blasts using the online sample parent letter from my leader dashboard.  There were also links [to the fundraiser] posted on our website with important due dates and reminders.  

What was the greatest challenge you faced as a leader? How did you overcome it?

I don’t feel that there were any challenges. From my standpoint it was so easy. You guys were great. I requested the information. The materials came in. I passed it out. It was a dream. I’ve worked with a lot of fundraisers and this was hands down, the easiest.  

Is there something our readers would be surprised to know about your group?

Our music program is rated one of the top 100 in the country and has been for the past 10 years.

Tell us why you are such a passionate supporter of you group and of this fundraiser?

I’ve had two children participate in the music program. My son is graduated now but my daughter is currently playing saxophone in the marching band. We are a small community, only 15,000 people and everyone comes out to see the band perform. There are a lot of expenses with marching band. We purchased new uniforms last year that cost about $90,000. Knowing that they will have to be replaced every 8 or so years keeps us motivated to fundraise and be disciplined to continue to grow our uniform fund.

What’s the best part about being a fundraising leader?

Helping the kids! This fundraiser was very well received. My daughter participated and she raised $700. Fun Pasta Fundraising is something new and different that had not been done in our community before. It was something they could use. Everybody eats pasta. I had several people tell me they were so glad we weren’t selling wrapping paper.

Music Pasta

Of all the products in our catalog, which did your group sell the most? What were they the most excited about?

The music pasta was a big seller. The Chili soup mix and the Mac ‘N Cheese were also well received.

 Many thanks to Joy and to the Bay Music Boosters for the images.  For more information about our fundraising program, click here. Want your group’s success story to be featured in the blog? Comment and let us know!