7 Ways to Promote Your Fundraiser


7 ways to promote your fundraiser. We can help. | funpastafundraising.com

The success of your next fundraiser is, for the most part, linked to the size of your audience, the way you communicate and promote your message and how effectively your message translates to sales. Here are 7 ways to promote your fundraiser. 

Be Creative. Tell your story. Share your cause. Reach your audience. We can help! [Click to Tweet]

1)      Facebook – SHARE, SHARE, SHARE – post pictures too! If you have a group Facebook page, you can share your personal website link there. Sellers can also share on their personal Facebook profiles.

2)      Twitter – Have kids and parents tweet about their favorite products or tweet about their sales status for some friendly competition.

3)      YouTube/Instagram/Vine– Do you have a YouTube channel? It takes as little as 90 seconds to create a compelling video about your fundraiser.

4)      Email Blasts/Newsletters– Promote in your newsletter and email blasts. Do you have weekly calendars or agendas that get sent home with the kids? Find out what communication methods are used and join in the conversation. Share the fundraiser with your email contact list.

5)      Blogs– Are you a blogger? Are there other bloggers in your community or group who might talk about your group’s cause? Share your fundraising story or the story of your group on the blogosphere. You already have a dedicated audience so appeal to them.

6)      Website– Promote on your website. Give every visitor to the site an opportunity to learn about your fundraiser. This is a great place to advertise incentives and rewards to motivate your sellers.

7)      Word of Mouth– Don’t forget good old word of mouth. Whether your kids go door to door in the neighborhood or you share the fundraising brochure in the company break room, make sure you are talking about it. People buy from people they know so don’t let fear keep you from asking. 

What other ways have you promoted your fundraising campaigns? We’d love to hear from you?


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