6 Steps to Increase Parent Involvement in your Fundraisers

Increase Parent Involvement with School Fundraisers in 6 Steps | funpastafundraising.com

The summer is winding down and kids are going back to school. Back to school brings with it PTO meetings and planning for Fall fundraising. Could you group use a few more hands to help maximize your efforts? Increasing parent involvement is the best way to make the most of your fundraisers. Here are 6 easy steps.

Parent Involvement Success in Six Steps

1) Have volunteers do the recruiting– People are more likely to volunteer to participate in a fundraiser when they know someone who’s already involved because it is more comfortable and fun to work with someone you know and like. Boost parent involvement by asking your members to invite a friend or two.

2) Offer Multiple Sign Ups– Collecting sign up forms several times throughout the school year will increase your chances of getting the help when you need it most. For many parents, the first day of school can be over-whelming. Giving them an opportunity to sign up later in the year after they have adjusted to back to school is a low pressure way to gain parent involvement in your fundraisers and beyond.

3) Provide an Incentive– Some parents might need an incentive to participate in PTO/PTA fundraising events. Shocker- most people do not find fundraising fun. Make sure that your volunteers are taken care of and appreciated. Invite them to an exclusive “volunteers only” breakfast, provide snacks during their shifts. Give them a gift at the conclusion of your fundraising event.

4) Get creative with jobs– There are many levels of parent involvement which are subject to your parents time and availability. There are many ways they can help from home. Give them creative opportunities such as sorting box tops, stuffing goody bags, writing and editing newsletters or updating your social media and website.  For best results be sure to assign these tasks according to your volunteers ability and skill sets.

5) Communicate positively and clearly– Make sure your members are informed of the many ways your group has contributed to your school and how this has helped the students. Don’t assume parents know the culture of your group. Share your mission at the beginning of each meeting. Discuss the positive impact your group has and is making will encourage parents that their involvement is making a difference.

6) Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need– One thing that limits parent involvement is their assumption that there is no need. If you need help, ask! Send home notices in student backpacks, use email, and social media to announce new programs and opportunities.

Take the sting out of going back to school and getting back to fundraising by make sure parent involvement levels are high. Here at Fun Pasta Fundraising we put the Fun back into Fundraising with our easy to run program. Our pasta literally sells itself. We partner with you in the process. Considering a Fall Fundraiser? Get more information about our program here.