5 Fundraising Myths Debunked

5 Fundraising Myths

Every now and again it is worthwhile for non-profits to take a moment and assess their fundraising programs. You may find some surprising results when you drill down and take a good look. There are some common misconceptions about fundraising that have influenced fundraising practices over the years. Read on to get the facts for these 5 fundraising myths and learn how to avoid making costly mistakes.

5 Common Fundraising Myths

  1. More fundraisers = More Profits This is one of the most common and worst strategies employed by groups. Think about it. If you continuously reach out to the same audience asking for money eventually you will reach the limit. In today’s market there are SO many good and rewarding causes to support that are competing for the same funds. If your fundraisers are declining in profit and you find yourself adding more and more fundraisers to your program during the course of the year, this is a symptom of market saturation or a poorly chosen fundraising product. Work smarter, not harder. Be creative.


  1. Stick with the same old thing. Change is negative. Change is good. Especially as it relates to a fundraising program. If something isn’t working; making a change is just what your fundraising program may need to generate excitement for your volunteers and your sellers. Recharge your fundraising campaigns by trying something new. Make smart choices when choosing a fundraising product. Today’s consumers are savvy and most would rather purchase a quality product that has an inherent value.


  1. Fundraising is hard work. Myth. Fundraising is only hard work when the group leader lacks the necessary qualifications. A good group leader invests the time needed to plan for the fundraiser in advance, surrounds herself with a winning team of competent volunteers, and avails herself of the resources available and provided by the fundraising company. If you are reading this blog then you are already on the path to success. Have questions? We’re here for you. Use the fundraising company itself as a resource to assist you in reaching your fundraising goals. We are your partners in the process and are as invested in the outcome as you are.


  1. Small groups yield small profits. This also is not a statement of truth. In my experience, small groups that are 100% invested in the fundraising goal can generate as much if not more profit as many of our larger less organized groups that struggle with communication and participation. Take Becky Haultaufderheid, for example. She individually raised over $3200 selling fun pasta for a mission trip. This is an outstanding example of what one person can do when they are not afraid to ask. Belief in your cause and a strong conviction for your cause are important attributes for both leaders and sellers.


  1. Fundraising isn’t fun. While this may be a true statement for many non-profits, it doesn’t have to be. It certainly isn’t here at FUN PASTA Fundraising. In face, we put the fun BACK into fundraising. Our fundraising product is unique, is delicious and is something used in most households. Kids love selling our pasta because of the variety of the cute shapes. Moms love buying our pasta because it brings FUN to the dinner table.


Now that I’ve stirred the proverbial pasta pot, I’ll leave you with a couple questions and a call to action.


What specific changes would you make to benefit your fundraising program?

Is your fundraising program FUN? Why or why not? Leave me a comment and I will feature your questions on the blog.

Here at Fun Pasta Fundraising we really do put the “FUN” back into fundraising. Hungry for more information?  Find out more.