3 Considerations for Fundraising over the holidays

3 Considerations for Fundraising over the holidays

19 Nov

in Fundraising Tips by Carey Aron


3 Considerations for pasta fundraising over the holidays | funpastafundraising.com

Happy Holidays Fundraising Leaders! Are you thinking about fundraising over the holidays? Wondering if your group should or shouldn’t? Here are 3 considerations that may impact your sales.

  •  People are more likely to give around the holidays.

Statistically non-profits receive a higher rate of charitable gifts around the holidays than they do the rest of the year. The last few months of the year make up what is commonly called the Giving Season in the nonprofit community. As the holidays near, people may feel encouraged to give more generously than during the rest of the year. In a 2007 study, The Center on Philanthropy (COP) at Indiana University found that their respondents reported giving about 24 percent of their annual total between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. A 2012 GuideStar Survey  yielded a more pronounced conclusion: 50.5 percent of the organizations surveyed said they received the majority of their contributions between October and December.

  • Proximity to family and friends makes selling easy.

Most people take time off over the holidays to spend with close friends and family. Time spent with family and friends is a selling opportunity. Take advantage of face to face opportunities to share your group’s financial need and connect your supporters to your fundraising campaign. People like to give to people, not organizations or statistics. According to a nationwide survey commissioned by AFRDS, 71 percent of parents said they sold fundraising products to friends, family, and co-workers.

  • Take advantage of opportunities to sell a “giftable” fundraising product.

People are already primed to shop for Christmas gifts. Make sure your school or non-profit group chooses a fundraising product that makes a great gift over the holidays. This will make selling effortless. Gift wrap is a hot item over the holidays. Themed items are great too such as our holiday pasta. With a long shelf life, (2 Years), and holiday themed pasta shapes and colors, you can find something for anyone on your list. We even have convenient gift sets tied up with a bow and ready to go under the tree.